While the press is watching p.m.terrell, we're watching the press! If you read an article about p.m.terrell or about one of her books or articles, please let us know by sending an email. Visit our Contact Page for the link. If they have the article posted online, we'll provide a link to the article on their website. Here's just some of the publicity we've come across:
Since 2012, most of the reviews of p.m.terrell's books have been posted under Events. You can read them by following this link. |
Queen of the Night Reviews says about Vicki's Key, "Well developed characters, good dialogue, a smoldering romance and a well developed mystery kept me turning the pages." Read the entire review here. |
Andi's Book Reviews says about Vicki's Key, "There is a reason why p.m.terrell is an award-winning novelist... She is the perfect writer for a CIA suspense/thriller." Read the entire review here. |
Illustrious Illusions says about Vicki's Key, "If you are looking for a well-paced story that is full of action and fingernail biting moments, pick it up and get started on a journey with p.m.terrell." Read the entire review here. |
Harlie's Books says about Vicki's Key, "Ms. Terrell completely delivered. The attention to detail from the setting, characters, research that went into the book and romance was fabulous." Read the entire review here. |
Midwest Book Review says "Stimulating dialog, realism, attention to detail and a compelling writing style all add to Terrell's gift for drawing the reader into the intensity of a dramatic plot... Terrell just keeps getting better. She is raising the standard of the genre of Psychic/Action and Historical Suspense/Thriller." |
Reviewer Marcia Freespirit says Dylan's Song is "is by far, the best...Edgy, dark, fast-paced and wonderfully written. Terrell is a sure-fire winner with the Black Swamp Mysteries series and you will be waiting with anticipation for the next book in the series to arrive." |
Between the Lines Reviews says Dylan's Song is "the author at her best" |
Reviewer and author Maggie Thom says Dylan's Song "left me wanting more, which is good because this book is part of a series. A really interesting read... I enjoyed this book. There are some interesting twists and humor that add to the book." Read the entire review here. |
WRAL-TV aired a segment about p.m.terrell's writing on March 20, 2013:
AuntieM Writes says Dylan's Song is "a rousing good read!" Read the entire review here. |
Jersey Girl Book Reviews says, "Vicki's Key is a riveting suspense thriller with enough thrills, chills and action packed adventure that will give you an adrenaline rush! The author's background and research into the CIA and psychic abilities is phenomenal, she masterfully creates an intriguing storyline that will fascinate the reader and engage them... The author has created a cast of characters that are realistic and complex, their intensity and interactions make the story that much more compelling and powerful...If you're in the mood for an adrenaline rush from a suspense thriller with a mixture of international intrigue, CIA psychic spy program, murder and romance, then Vicki's Key is a must read, you won't be disappointed!" Read the entire review here. |
Journey of a Bookseller says about Vicki's Key, "I enjoyed this read. The psychological games being played are mind-bending and it looks like there is no way out for Vicki. There is going to be a sequel to this book and I'm glad. I'd like to read about the further adventures of this gutsy woman." |
Fresh Fiction says, "I didn't expect to enjoy Vicki's Key so much. If you like romance, intrigue, and a touch of the otherworld, you'll be surprised at how entranced you will be with Vicki's Key." Read the entire review here. |
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Suspense Magazine aired a special 100th episode of their radio program and devoted a full thirty minutes to my newest release, Vicki's Key. My part of the interview begins around the 60 minute mark. |
The Robesonian newspaper ran my first column about finding "hidden gems" in North Carolina on Sunday, May 20, 2012. |
Nashville Lifestyles Magazine recommends reading Vicki's Key! |
p.m.terrell made the front page of the Features Section in the Robesonian with a story of Vicki's Key. |
The Nashville Examiner says Vicki's Key is "the perfect St. Patty's Day read!" |
p.m.terrell's books now listed on Goodreads. |
Find information on Vicki's Key at Book Reporter! |
Richard R. Blake of Midwest Book Review says, "Terrell is a master at skillfully combining drama, action, suspense, and romance to engage the reader in an adrenaline rush of page turning adventure. Her careful research into psychic phenomena, CIA procedures, and terrorist activities add credibility to her writing. |
Suspense Magazine says p.m.terrell is "getting better with each and every novel she creates..." And Vicki's Key is "a truly riveting read!" |
Front page article in The Robesonian on Book 'Em North Carolina! |
Author Scoop picks up on p.m.terrell's fight against high crime through literacy. |
Fayetteville Observer editorial about p.m.terrell's cause - linking high crime rates to high illiteracy rates and combatting both. |
The Robesonian prints front page article about p.m.terrell's involvement in Book 'Em North Carolina. |
Reporter Ali Rockett writes about Book 'Em North Carolina in The Fayetteville Observer. |
Editorial in The Robesonian about p.m.terrell's cause - linking high crime rates to high illiteracy rates and combatting both. |
p.m.terrell writes op-ed piece in The Fayetteville Observer about high crime and high illiteracy rates. |
p.m.terrell writes op-ed piece in The Robesonian newspaper about the link between high crime rates and high illiteracy rates. |
The Robesonian mentions p.m.terrell's involvement in Book 'Em North Carolina. |
Check out Meredith Jacob's blurb about Book 'Em North Carolina, which p.m.terrell founded and co-chaired. |
Reviewer Marcia Freespirit says Vicki's Key is "riveting, spellbinding... sexy, intense, stay-up-all-night until you are done thriller... terrell's best book yet!" |
Midwest Book Review says Vicki's Key is "page-turning action, unforgettable characters, breathtaking descriptions and unexpected plot twists!" |
Syndicated reviewer Simon Barrett says Vicki's Key is "an elegantly penned, fast-paced thriller" |
Between the Lines Reviews says Vicki's Key is "a soaring start... enough tension and electricity to keep us coming back for more... and quality page-turning excitement!" |
Suspense Magazine says p.m.terrell's writing is "powerfully written and masterfully suspenseful; you have to hang on for the ride of your life." (August 2011) |
Check out p.m.terrell's guest blog reprinted at Sisters in Crime, about her writing style. |
The Nashville Examiner selected The Banker's Greed as their Book of the Week the week of May 16! |
The News Reporter in Whiteville, NC did a great feature story on p.m.terrell and The Banker's Greed. |
Lumberton Magazine recommends The Banker's Greed! Read the entire story here. |
The Robesonian mentioned p.m.terrell's upcoming events on Sunday, May 15, 2011. |
The Fayetteville Observer mentioned p.m.terrell's upcoming events on Sunday, May 15, 2011. |
The Robesonian ran three mentions of p.m.terrell's upcoming events on Sunday, May 8. |
Take Five Minutes Alone with p.m.terrell on Author Scoop! |
Check out p.m.terrell's guest blog at Working Stiffs: Where Crime Writers Talk About Life, Work and Murder |
The Clinton News printed an article about The Banker's Greed on Thursday, April 14, 2011. Read it here. |
The Daily Herald printed an article on the front page of the Lifestyles section about The Banker's Greed on Sunday, April 3, 2011. |
Nashville Lifestyles Magazine lists The Banker's Greed as a must-read in their April 2011 edition. |
The Tennessee Banker printed a full page article about The Banker's Greed in their April 2011 edition. |
The Launch Lounge printed an article about the launch of The Banker's Greed on March 30, 2011. |
More than one million people will hear about The Banker's Greed this week as radio segments air in 90 Tennessee counties (out of 95)! |
American Banker Magazine ran a Feature story the week of March 21, 2011 entitled Tennessee Banker is Doing Good with 'Greed' |
The Murfreesboro Daily News Journal printed a story about The Banker's Greed the week of March 21, 2011. |
The Tennessean printed a story on the front page of the Business Section about T. Randy Stevens and The Banker's Greed on Sunday, March 20, 2011. Read the story here. |
Lawrence County Advocate printed a story on the front page of the Lifestyles section about The Banker's Greed on Sunday, March 20, 2011. |
The Daily Herald printed a Lifestyles segment that includes the upcoming talk and signing by T. Randy Stevens and p.m.terrell on March 17, 2011. |
The Nashville Business Journal printed a story about The Banker's Greed on Friday, March 4, 2011. |
WWLX in Lawrenceburg, TN aired a story about The Banker's Greed in March 2011. |
WLLX in Lawrenceburg, TN aired a story about The Banker's Greed in March 2011. |
The Daily Herald in Columbia, Tennessee printed a story about The Banker's Greed on Sunday, March 6, 2011. |
WAKM in Franklin, Tennessee talked about The Banker's Greed throughout March 2011. |
Thank you, WMCP AM 1280 in Columbia, Tennessee for the great segment about The Banker's Greed that aired at noon on February 23! |
Thank you, WDXE FM 106.7 for the wonderful segment about The Banker's Greed that aired the week of February 14! |
Former Senator and acclaimed actor Fred Thompson says The Banker's Greed is "A spell-binding tale of suspense, betrayal, power and corruption" |
John Seigenthaler, the co-founder of USA Today and the Founder of The First Amendment Center and host of A Word on Words says, "Terrell and Stevens have given us a provocative mystery story in which violence, fraud, deceit and treachery all are the currency of the banker's greed." |
Richard R. Blake of Midwest Book Review says The Banker's Greed is "destined to become an award-winning, best selling novel" |
Donna Coomer of Between the Lines Reviews says about The Banker's Greed, "You'll want to keep this book as your constant companion." |
Author Judy Sluser Walter says The Banker's Greed is "A story of abduction, intrigue and greed... fast paced and intense... This book is a masterpiece." Read the entire review here. |
Marcia Freespirit of Bengal Book Reviews says of The Banker's Greed, "Thrilling action... Brilliant plot... A must-read!" |
Brad Barrett, President of The Tennessee Banker's Association says The Banker's Greed "Keeps you in suspense until the very end!" |
Watch the video posted by Page One Literature!
The Paris Post-Intelligencer ran a Feature story entitled Pioneer Adventures: Book Features Tennessee River Tales on July 16, 2010 about the true story of Mary Neely, Songbirds are Free and River Passage. Click here to read the article. |
p.m.terrell was interviewed on the Women Making a Difference radio show on July 12 about the true story of Mary Neely. If you missed it live, you can listen to it here. Just click on this link and if the show doesn't begin to play, select Make a Difference: Kick A** Women in History! |
Georgia Richardson reviewed River Passage on June 18, 2010, calling it "one of the best historical fiction books ever written." Read the entire review here. |
The Chattanoogan in Chattanooga, Tennessee Ran a Features Article on the role Chattanooga played in the true story of River Passage |
Wellspear runs an article about River Passage in a larger article on frostbite |
Radaris lists Mary Neely's historical information as told in p.m.terrell's Songbirds are Free and River Passage |
Tag Search runs an article on River Passage and the true Donelson journey |
Jackson Free Press prints an article on River Passage in Jackson, Mississippi during the week of May 17, 2010 |
Rankin Ledger prints an article on River Passage in Jackson, Mississippi |
The Interceder picked up a Features Article regarding the role of River Passage in the founding of the nation and the westward expansion |
Fort Jennings, Ohio Ran a Features Article about River Passage |
Connie Gotsch's Blogspot picked up an article written by Carolyn Howard-Johnson on River Passage |
Reviewer Anne Holmes says about River Passage, "Terrell weaves an amazing tale... you'll be turning the pages as fast as you can!" Check out the entire review on NABBW. |
The Robesonian featured a story about p.m.terrell's 2010 Bengal Book Award for Best Fiction & Drama on Sunday, March 28, 2010. |
November 7, 2009 - Nashville Book Festival Names Winners and River Passage by p.m.terrell wins Honorable Mention in General Fiction |
The Fayetteville Observer featured a story entitled Writer's Latest Takes Journey into History on Sunday, October 11, 2009, which included background on her latest release, River Passage. |
The Robesonian featured a story about p.m.terrell on Sunday, October 11, 2009, picturing her with fellow author Randy Stevens. |
The Colbert County Reporter ran an article about p.m.terrell and her research in the Muscle Shoals area for her newest release, River Passage, and her upcoming appearances in Muscle Shoals, Florence and Tuscumbia, Alabama. |
The Daily Herald ran several announcements about p.m.terrell's upcoming appearances in Columbia, Tennessee from Sunday, September 20 through Wednesday, September 23, 2009. |
The Times Daily ran several announcements and an article about p.m.terrell's first public appearances in Florence, Tuscumbia and Muscle Shoals, Alabama to promote her newest release, River Passage, from Sunday, September 20 through Tuesday, September 22, 2009. |
Check out a recent interview with p.m.terrell about River Passage with her good friend, L. Diane Wolfe. |
The Fayetteville Observer ran an article about p.m.terrell's latest release, Exit 22 on Sunday, August 2, 2009. |
The Book Blues reviewer Pamela June Kimmell says about Exit 22, "p.m.terrell has gone above and beyond with her latest thriller...just when you think she's the best she can be, she gets better!" She rates the book five stars and says she highly recommends it. Read the entire review here! |
The Columbia Daily Herald printed several stories about p.m.terrell during the month of May, 2009! |
The News Reporter published a Lifestyles story about p.m.terrell's talk and visit with the Novel Friends Book Club in Whiteville, NC on March 12, 2009. (Article published on March 30, 2009.) |
p.m.terrell appeared live on Hal Hubener's Cover to Cover in Martinsville, Virginia on March 3, 2009. You can now view the entire television show by visiting this link! |
Thank you, author L. Diane Wolfe, for the wonderful blog about p.m.terrell! Read it here. |
The Whiteville News published a story about p.m.terrell's upcoming appearance at Lake Waccamaw on January 6, 2009. |
Hear p.m.terrell talk about Exit 22 with host Fran Stewart on Voice of America's Mystery Matters! |
Hear p.m.terrell speak about marketing on the Internet with host David Ewen on Blog Talk Radio's Circle of Seven! |
We hope you didn't miss p.m.terrell on PBS speaking with Barbara Berlin, the host of the PBS show Perspective, which aired on December 19 and December 21, 2008! |
Hear p.m.terrell speak about author promotions with host David Ewen on Blog Talk Radio's Circle of Seven! |
Hear p.m.terrell talk about Exit 22 with host David Ewen on Blog Talk Radio's Circle of Seven! |
The Clinton News prints story on p.m.terrell's book, Exit 22 and the technical expertise provided by retired FBI Special Agent John Neelley on Thursday, October 16, 2008. |
The Columbia Daily Herald prints story on p.m.terrell's book, Songbirds are Free, on Friday, October 10, 2008. |
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L. Diane Wolfe's interview with p.m.terrell is picked up at The Cat's Meow and Spunk on a Stick. |
The Columbia Daily Herald prints story on p.m.terrell and her recent appearance at The Cosmopolitan Club on Tuesday, September 16, 2008. |
The Robesonian Newspaper runs a feature story on p.m.terrell, Exit 22, and the ties to the local community on Sunday, September 14, 2008. |
The Fayetteville Observer mentions p.m.terrell's latest release, Exit 22, and its local connections on Sunday, September 14, 2008. |
L. Diane Wolfe's interview with p.m.terrell is printed at MySpace and FaceBook. |
The Robesonian Newspaper mentions p.m.terrell's upcoming release, Exit 22 and appearance at the Osterneck Auditorium in Bob Fisher's column on Sunday, September 7, 2008. |
The Robeson Reporter prints story entitled Spotlight on p.m.terrell in the September 2008 issue. |
L. Diane Wolfe's interview with p.m.terrell is picked up by Maverick Marketers and Morgan Mandel Books. |
Bob Fisher mentions p.m.terrell's latest release, Exit 22, in his column in The Robesonian Newspaper on Sunday, August 31. |
The Tennessee Business Journal printed an article on Exit 22 and First Farmers and Merchants Bank CEO Randy Stevens' involvement in providing technical expertise during the week of September 1, 2008. |
An interview with fellow author L. Diane Wolfe appears at Wolfe's blogspot. |
The Daily Herald ran a story entitled Bank Chairman Helps Author with Suspense Novel on Friday, August 29, 2008, regarding the collaborative efforts between First Farmers and Merchants Bank CEO Randy Stevens and terrell on her latest book, Exit 22. |
Reviewer Donna Coomer says p.m.terrell "is becoming a force of nature"; Exit 22 has "dynamic action and description" and you'll "feel an immediate connection with the characters... laugh with them, cry with them, and feel their anxiety as the tension increases and the mysteries deepen." |
Reviewer Richard R. Blake of Midwest Book Review says about Exit 22, "terrell has created an intricate plot that includes intense drama, fast moving action, breathtaking suspense, and romance... I appreciated terrell’s amazing attention to detail and her strong character development. Her writing is tight and intense. Exit 22 is p.m.terrell at her finest. I am eagerly awaiting the next Christopher Sandige suspense adventure." Read the full review here. |
Ben Steelman mentioned p.m.terrell's latest book, Exit 22, in his column in Sunday, July 27, 2008's edition of The Wilmington Star-News, including the assistance that Lake Waccamaw's Chief of Police Scott Hyatt provided in the writing of the book. |
Thank you, Bob Fisher, for mentioning p.m.terrell's latest suspense/thriller, Exit 22, in your Sunday column in July 27, 2008's Robesonian newspaper. |
The August 2008 issue of the Robeson Reporter featured an exclusive interview with p.m.terrell about the writing of her latest suspense/thriller, Exit 22. Many thanks to Editor-in-Chief Joe Freeman! |
The Daily Herald published an article on the front page of the Lifestyles section on Sunday, April 27, 2008 entitled Author visits local libraries to promote her latest book about the story behind the writing of Songbirds are Free. |
Look for The Clinton News on Thursday, March 27 for an article about p.m.terrell's appearance at The Clinton Public Library, the true story behind Songbirds are Free, and the local tie-in to Mary Neely! |
Look for reviewer Carolyn Frahm's review of Songbirds are Free in The Community Weekly, a Powhatan, Virginia publication, in December 2007. In a column entitled "Book Treasures", Ms. Fraham says the book is "riveting" and she "couldn't put it down." |
Reviewer Richard R. Blake's review of Ricochet has been picked up by EZine Articles. The review is entitled "Fast Moving, Non Stop Action" and Blake says Ricochet is "masterfully written." Read the entire review here. |
Reviewer Donna Coomer says Songbirds are Free is "another winner" and "definitely movie material." |
If you missed the original airing of p.m.terrell on Global Talk Radio on December 4, you can hear it in its entirety at this link. She discusses her latest book, Songbirds are Free, and the leap from writing contemporary suspense to historical fiction. |
The F&M Times Chairman's Club published the article F&M Hosts Book Signing for Acclaimed Author in their Fall 2007 Edition. |
Reviewer Richard R. Blake's review of Ricochet has been picked up by Midwest Book Review. He says the book is "Masterfully written" and "...it is hard to put down." Read the entire review here. |
Thank you, The Robesonian Newspaper and Features Editor Michael Jaenicke, for the Feature article, "Songbirds Takes Flight" about Songbirds are Free and p.m.terrell's upcoming launch party and talk at the Osterneck Auditorium. The article ran in the Sunday edition, September 16, 2007. |
Canadian reviewer Simon Barrett says about Songbirds are Free, "The writing is impeccable, the subject well researched, the fiction well developed and innovative, but most of all, it is a 'cannot put down' read." Read the entire review here. |
The first review of Songbirds are Free is in! Reviewer Richard R. Blake says Songbirds is "Historical writing at its best" and "Terrell's writing is strong, her research impeccable. The dialog helps the reader get into the story. Selected pictures showing highlights of the locations from the book add a dimension of appreciation for the credibility of this heroic story of perseverance and hope in the face of adversity. Mary Neely was truly a remarkable woman." Read the entire review here. |
![]() Visit Valerie Connelly's new web site on writing, publishing, and marketing your books - at Calling All Authors! |
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Mystery Books reviews p.m.terrell's latest release, Ricochet. |
Author's Den says, "Author p.m.terrell tells an edge-of-your-seat adventure in her new mystery/thriller novel Ricochet!" |
Read p.m.terrell's latest interview on BNN where she discusses her writing and her latest book, Ricochet.. |
Reviewer Simon Barrett says about Ricochet, "The action is non stop, as a reader you are swept along on a magic carpet of writing wizardry." |
Blogging Authors says, "Terrell does not waste words in this masterfully written novel of conflict, intrigue, adventure and romance. This fast paced novel is hard to put down. It is a book that begs for more of p.m.terrell.” |
WLKY in Louisville, Kentucky says, "p.m.terrell is a master storyteller" --- "This book had me hooked from the very first sentence!" |
Tune in to Book Talk Radio to hear p.m.terrell discuss her latest suspense/thriller, Ricochet! |
Diane Wolfe, author of The Circle of Friends fiction series, recommended p.m.terrell's book, Take the Mystery out of Promoting Your Book. Read her entire interview here. |
Juanita Watson of ReaderViews.com interviews p.m.terrell about her latest suspense/thriller, Ricochet, and the writing life--and asks questions she's never had asked of her before! Read the whole interview here. |
Read the latest review by Cherie Fisher of ReaderViews.com. She says, "p.m.terrell is a master storyteller" and "Ricochet is a great book from beginning to end!" |
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Reader Views says, "p.m.terrell is a master storyteller!" Read the entire review here. |
Georgia Richardson featured p.m.terrell as the guest author on her web site for the month of March 2007! |
Read p.m.terrell's latest interview by reviewer Simon Barrett, who says, "...in my opinion, it is only a matter of time before we see p.m.terrell on the best seller lists." |
Read a review of Ricochet at WLKY in Louisville, Kentucky. |
The latest review is in by reviewer Simon Barrett, who refers to terrell's writing as "a magic carpet of writing wizardry." Read the entire review here. |
Thank you, Joe Freeman, editor-in-chief of The Robeson Reporter, for running the exclusive story "p.m.terrell Goes to Hollywood" in the December 2006 edition! |
Midwest Book Review says: "Ricochet keeps the reader hooked right up to the fearsome finale!" Read the entire review here. |
Reviewer S.C.Kilkenny says about Ricochet: "A gripping and suspenseful story... strap yourself in for a wild ride!" Read the entire review on amazon.com. |
Mystery writer Pamela June Kimmell says about Take the Mystery out of Promoting Your Book: "Terrell has truly hit the jackpot with this extremely informative and useful book!" Read this review on amazon.com. |
Publicist Donna Coomer says about Take the Mystery out of Promoting Your Book: "I felt that I should visit her web site and order a copy for each of my clients!" Read the entire review on amazon.com. |
Reader Reviews says: "Take the Mystery out of Promoting Your Book is a wonderful guide for promoting and selling your book!" Read the entire review here! |
Reviewer Donna Coomer says, "Page turning action, a slight scent of romance and an overview of the role immigrants play in our society, Ricochet once again shows Terrell’s tenacious handling of touchy subjects." Read the entire review on amazon.com. |
Reviewer Richard Blake wrote, "Terrell does not waste words in this masterfully written novel of conflict, intrigue, adventure and romance. This fast paced novel is hard to put down. It is a book that begs for more of p.m.terrell!" Read the entire review on amazon.com. |
Reviewer Delores Michelle wrote the following review in November 2006: "Riveting...fast-paced...heart pounding....with just a hint of romance. You'll be halfway through p.m. terrell's Ricochet before you know it, deeply entrenched in Shelia Carpenter's world... If you like mysteries jam-packed with action, you'll love Ricochet!" Read the entire review on amazon.com. |
Thank you, Barbara Berlin, host of the PBS Show Perspectives. She interviewed p.m.terrell about her latest books, Ricochet and Take the Mystery out of Promoting Your Book, her involvement with law enforcement and The Book 'Em Foundation, and her upcoming appearances. The show aired in November 2006. |
The News Virginian ran a story about p.m.terrell's appearance at The Third Annual Book 'Em Event in Waynesboro, Virginia the weekend of October 7-8, 2006. |
Thank you, Joe Freeman, editor-in-chief of The Robeson Reporter, for immortalizing p.m.terrell in the description of The First Annual Born to Cruise Festival in Lumberton, North Carolina, and the full-page article that appeared in the October 2006 issue about p.m.terrell's latest release, Ricochet! |
Thank you, Michael Jaenicke, for the full-page article on p.m.terrell, Ricochet, and the book's ties to Robeson County that appeared in The Robesonian in September 2006. |
Thank you, Joe Freeman, editor-in-chief of The Robeson Reporter, for the full-page article that appeared in September 2006 about p.m.terrell's latest release, Ricochet! |
The St. Louis Writer's Guild Discussion Board featured a full review of Ricochet on August 10, 2006, by Julie Failla Earhart. |
Armchair Reviews says, "The story opens with a bomb, literally and figuratively, and it's white-knuckle reading from then on...Terrell rolls three of the nation's most embroiled problems (terrorism, identity theft, and illegal immigration) into one smooth story that will leave readers gasping for breath. Ricochet is neither cliched nor predictable, which makes it that much more enjoyable and terrifying." Read the entire review by Julie Failla Earhart! |
The Robesonian featured a full-page article on the Carolina Conspiracy on Sunday, May 7, written by Michael Jaenicke. |
The Robeson Reporter featured full page articles on the appearance of the Carolina Conspiracy at the Osterneck Auditorium in Lumberton, North Carolina in the March, April, and May editions. |
Andrea Campbell, editor of Soup's On, published an article about the writing of p.m.terrell's upcoming non-fiction book, Taking the Mystery out of Book Signings, to be released in the fall of 2006 by Palari Publishing. |
On January 4, 2006, Michael Jaenicke of The Robesonian featured a story entitled Suspense Author, about the behind-the-scenes writing of Kickback and The China Conspiracy. |
Thank you, Joe Freeman, editor and publisher of the Robeson Reporter, for the cover story on p.m.terrell in the November 2005 issue. Mr. Freeman got the scoop on terrell's move to Lumberton, North Carolina, and was the first to report it! |
Read the latest review of The China Conspiracy, by Anne K. Edwards! |
Read a review of The China Conspiracy, written by E. Dian Moore on September 26, 2005. |
Read a review of Kickback, written by E. Dian Moore on September 26, 2005. |
Many thanks to the News Virginian, the Staunton News Leader, Hopewell News, Colonial Heights Patriot and Augusta Free Press for all of the articles they printed about The First Annual Book 'Em Event held in Waynesboro on October 23, 2004! |
On October 19, 2004, p.m.terrell spoke at a press conference in Waynesboro, Virginia about the First Annual Book 'Em Event, the formation of the Book 'Em Foundation, and was interviewed by a variety of newspapers, radio hosts, and television reporters. |
On October 18, 2004 (show aired October 19), p.m.terrell was interviewed by Detective Jacquie Conner on WVST's radio program, Crime Solvers Profiles, about her work with Chesterfield County/Colonial Heights Crime Solvers and the upcoming Book 'Em Event. |
On October 14, 2004, p.m.terrell was interviewed on the radio in Waynesboro, Virginia about the upcoming First Annual Book 'Em Event. |
On October 12, 2004, p.m.terrell was interviewed by Detective Watt Russell on WVST's radio program, Crime Solvers Profiles, about the upcoming First Annual Book 'Em Event. |
On September 26, 2004, p.m.terrell was interviewed by Barbara Berlin on the PBS show Perspectives about her work with the Book 'Em Foundation, increasing literary, and decreasing crime. |
The Patriot ran a front page story on Sunday, August 22, 2004 entitled "Fiction Writer Lends a Hand to Stop Real Crime". |
News Virginian ran a story on May 5, 2004 about The First Annual Book 'Em Event to be held in Waynesboro, Virginia on October 23, 2004. |
Hopewell News featured a story about the Community Writer's Group on Wednesday, April 28, 2004, including a picture of p.m.terrell with the founding members of the Group. |
News Virginian ran a front-page story on p.m.terrell entitled "Author hopes to take a bite out of crime..." on Thursday, December 11, 2003. |
Augusta Free Press ran an article on p.m.terrell entitled "Author to host talk on getting published" on Thursday, December 11, 2003. |
AMC-TV airs 30-minute program on p.m.terrell and Central Shenandoah Crime Stoppers week of December 8 through December 12. |
In a front-page story in The Hopewell News on November 6, 2003, p.m.terrell's recent trip to Clements Junior High School was covered. Also read this story online... |
Village News in Chesterfield, Virginia ran a story about p.m.terrell's successful Writer's Workshops held each month at Little Professor Book Center, entitled Local Bookstore Scratches Itch, on November 6, 2003. |
p.m.terrell appeared on WRIC-TV in Richmond, Virginia on Monday, October 27, where she was interviewed by television news host John Reid. |
Reviewer Julie Failla Earhart rates The China Conspiracy a Reviewer's Choice Masterpiece, rating it 5 stars - a Collector's Treasure! |
Look for a thirty-minute show starring p.m.terrell on your local PBS station. The show is entitled Perspectives, and will air in July 2003. Special thanks to Barbara Berlin, Producer and Host of the show! |
Author Focuses on Crime, Free Lance Star, June 18, 2003 |
Detra Fitch of Huntress Reviews rates The China Conspiracy 5 Stars, their highest rating! June 2003 |
China Conspiracy Review by Deborah Hern, May 2003, Romance Readers Connection |
China Conspiracy Review by Julie Failla Earhart, April 2003 |
China Conspiracy Review by Paula Price, Powhatan Today, April 23, 2003 |
The China Conspiracy Review by Rebecca Brown, Rebecca's Reads |
Chester Locales Host Kidnappers at Midnight, Chester Village News, April 9, 2003 |
Doing the Write Thing, Augusta Free Press, March 12, 2003 |
Book Signing to Benefit Crime Solvers, Culpeper Star-Exponent, November 7, 2002 |
About Town, Culpeper News, November 7, 2002 |
Author to Sign Books to Benefit Crime Solvers, Culpeper Star-Exponent, November 4, 2002 |
Book Signing, Culpeper News, October 31, 2002 |
What Would You Do If You Were Asked to Commit a Crime?, Culpeper News, October 31, 2002 |
Book Signing to Benefit Culpeper Crime Solvers, Culpeper Star-Exponent, October 28, 2002 |
Mystery Novel Benefits Crime Solvers, Culpeper News, October 2002 |
Novelist promotes Crime Stoppers by Brad Zinn, The News Leader, October 23, 2002 |
New! Kickback Review by Narayan Radhakrishnan of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India, rated 4 teapots, their highest rating! Their rating system states about 4 teapots: "This one's a keeper! A rich, top-notch read. Feeds the mind, warms the heart, tickles the soul. Sets all the bells ringing! The kind of book you want to give to your old friends. This one could become an Old Friend." |
Kickback Review by Deborah Hern, Romance Reader's Connection, August 2002, rated 4 daggers (their "Excellent" rating!) |
Local author to sign books at Hooray festival by F. M. Wiggins, The Hopewell News, August 26, 2002 |
Murder She Writes by Steve Cook, Chesterfield Living Magazine Summer 2002 |
Kickback Review by Leanne Freiberg, Scream TV, August 2002 |
Extra: p.m.terrell to Sign Copies of Her Latest Mystery, Chester Village News August 7, 2002 |
Get ready for the ride of your life! by Michelle Connell, August 2002 |
A 'can't put it down' debut novel! by Julie Failla Earhart, August 2002 |
What would you do if you had information about a crime? by Thomas C. Kifer, Virginia Crime Stoppers Association Newsletter, June 2002. |
And thank you, Jim Jacobs, of WLEE AM 990 (AM 1340 in the Tri-Cities Area) for having p.m.terrell as a guest on your show Monday, June 24, 2002! |
And thank you, Detective Kevin Bacon of the Chesterfield County Police Department, for having p.m.terrell as a guest on your show on Tuesday, June 11, 2002 on WVST FM 91.3 in Richmond, VA! |
Turn the Page (Book Review) by Paula Price, Powhatan Today, June 22, 2002 |
Kickback Review by Lelia Taylor, May 24, 2002 |
Thank you, Floyd Henderson, of WVNZ AM 1320 in Richmond, VA for having p. m. terrell as a guest on your program Wednesday, May 22, 2002! |
The Chester Village News, March 14, 2002 in an article by Tim Stanton entitled "Local Writer To Be Published". Read the entire story online. |