Behind the Scenes
of Vicki’s Key
The Hero’s Trauma and Life-Transforming Journey
We’re continuing with the hero’s journey, and today I want to tell you about the trauma that awakens the hero and catapults him or her along their journey. The trauma can be a death (especially one that is unexpected or sudden), a divorce or split, job loss, illness...
When the Hero Moves
If you'd prefer to watch the video blog, skip to the bottom or visit Moving to a new location is a theme encountered from the classics to contemporary genre. In a physical move, the hero leaves behind all that he or she has known....
The Actions of our Heroes
The most common response to encountering something unexpected or potentially traumatic is to freeze. This has always been my default response to spiders. And once when I was gardening, I stood up to find myself face to face with the largest snake I’d ever seen. It had...
What We Believe
I saw a fascinating video while surfing Facebook, which got me to thinking about personal belief systems. We don’t have the option of saying that 1+1 does not equal 2, or that the letter ‘a’ has been removed from the English alphabet. We can’t declare that Washington,...
A Dream or Something More?
What if a dream had the power to change the course of your life? It seems incredible but that’s what happened to me when I was twelve years old. Before the age of twelve, I remember hurting every time I ate. It became a running joke in the family; every...
Highly Sensitive People
Have you ever been told that you're too sensitive? Perhaps as a child, you were told you cried too much or overreacted to situations? Or as an adult, you realized that others did not react as strongly as you in some situations? Then you might just be a highly...
Psychic Spies on the Front Line of War
During the Cold War, United States Intelligence Agencies discovered that the Soviet Union was using psychic spies and astral travel to spy on the USA. The CIA and the Department of Defense received funding to determine whether psychic spies and astral travelers...
The Economy and the Pendulum
Think tanks analyzing the results of the 2016 election have come to the conclusion that the overriding factor was the nation’s economy, which was interesting to me considering the theme of one of my recent books, The Pendulum Files. If you are unfamiliar with The...