Behind the Writing of
April in the Back of Beyond
Watch the trailer, read an excerpt and buy the book here.
Believing in Ghosts
April in the Back of Beyond is both a mystery and a ghost story, one of several books I’ve written that included ghosts. I have always loved ghost stories; I think it began when I was just a little girl and my older sister Susan would tell me ghost stories that had me...
Three Layers to April in the Back of Beyond
April in the Back of Beyond blends three things that I’m fascinated with together: history, Ireland and parallel worlds. My father should have been a history teacher, because he has always been keen on sharing historical facts and genealogy with others. But it wasn’t...
True Story of Historical Writing Behind April in the Back of Beyond
This is the second part in the true stories behind the book, April in the Back of Beyond. Part 1 can be found here: Watch the video below for the inside story, or skip below to read it....
True Story of Murder Behind April in the Back of Beyond
Behind the Book Part 1: April in the Back of Beyond A couple of weeks ago, I announced the release of my 23rd book, April in the Back of Beyond. In case you missed the blurb, here it is below followed by one of three true stories that inspired the book. Writer Hayley...