by 5u5p3nc3Auth0r | Oct 12, 2018 | Authors and Books, On Writing
I’ve devoted several articles to the journey of the hero, but often what makes a book so memorable are the peripheral characters. Years ago when I was developing software, I created a program for working with brain injured patients; part of their successful journey...
by 5u5p3nc3Auth0r | Sep 8, 2018 | Authors and Books, On Writing, Uncategorized
Conflict always drives fiction. In real life, we may wish for things to fall into place easily, days go by smoothly, and relationships unfold effortlessly. But in fiction, nothing can be easy—because easy equates to boring. Watch the video below or skip to the text...
by 5u5p3nc3Auth0r | Aug 22, 2018 | On Writing
One major way in which fiction differs from reality is with closure. Readers need to have most of their questions answered by the end of the book or they feel dissatisfied. In reality, a lack of closure is commonplace and often leads to a great deal of angst. A...
by 5u5p3nc3Auth0r | Aug 4, 2018 | Authors and Books, On Writing
Our heroes often feel larger than life: Ian Fleming’s James Bond, Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan, F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Daisy Buchanan, Patricia Cornwell’s Kay Scarpetta or Sue Grafton’s Kinsey Millhone. But in reality, most heroes are filled with self-doubt at one...
by 5u5p3nc3Auth0r | Jul 18, 2018 | A Thin Slice of Heaven, Authors and Books, On Writing, The Tempest Murders, Vicki's Key
We’re continuing with the hero’s journey, and today I want to tell you about the trauma that awakens the hero and catapults him or her along their journey. The trauma can be a death (especially one that is unexpected or sudden), a divorce or split, job loss, illness...
by 5u5p3nc3Auth0r | Jul 13, 2018 | Authors and Books, On Writing
I know why a person commits suicide. Regardless of their situation or their circumstance, there is a single thread that runs through them all. The Centers for Disease Control released a study that concluded suicide rates have risen nearly 30% in the United States...